Versão PT
PR 1 - OHP
Caminho de Xisto de Aldeia das Dez
O percurso inicia-se no Largo Alfredo Duarte em Aldeia das Dez
e segue em direção a Vale de Maceira. Passa pela casa do ‘
“S”. em
direção à ribeira, por um antigo trilho que faz a ligação ao Santu-
ário de Nossa Senhora das Preces e ao Jardim Botânico. Seguimos
em direção a Chão Sobral, pelo caminho velho para o Piodão, e
somos assombrados por uma vista espetacular sobre a Serra da
Estrela. Em Chão Sobral saímos da aldeia por pequenas ruas.
Passando por ribeiras e vales, chegamos à antiga Ponte Medie-
val de Alvôco das Várzeas. Ai, continuamos junto ao rio Alvôco
até Aldeia das Dez.
PR 2 - OHP
Caminho de Xisto de Aldeia das Dez II
Percurso com início no Largo Alfredo Duarte, em Aldeia das Dez.
Segue pela antiga calçada Romana e por campos de cultivo que
nos levam a recuar no tempo. Avistamos a Capela de Santa Maria
do Mosteiro e, mais à frente, a Capela de N. Sra. dos Anjos.
Seguimos por umas escadas que dão acesso ao Castelo, passamos
a ponte, e vemos à direita a Praia Fluvial da Ilha do Picoto.
Seguimos pela antiga calçada Romana até à Capela de S. Pedro.
Descemos até Avô, passamos a ribeira de Pomares, e apanhamos
o antigo caminho que faz a ligação até Aldeia das Dez.
PR 3 - OHP
Caminho de Xisto de Aldeia das Dez III
Percurso com início no Largo Alfredo Duarte, em Aldeia das Dez.
Passamos na antiga calçada Romana e por campos de cultivo que
nos levam a recuar no tempo. Seguimos em direção à Ponte das
Três Entradas, passando em zonas deslumbrantes, onde
castanheiro predomina. Passamos a ponte, única em Portugal
Seguimos em direção a São Sebastião da Feira por um trilho
espetacular junto à margem do rio Alva. Voltamos pelo mesmo
caminho até à Ponte das Três Entradas e daí pela estrada asfaltada, até apanhar um trilho para Aldeia das Dez.
PR 4 - OHP
Caminho de Xisto de Avô
Percurso circular com início no Largo da Ilha do Picoto. Depois de
passar na igreja matriz de Avô segue junto à margem do Rio Alva,
num trilho que noutros tempos fazia a ligação até à Ponte das
Três Entradas. Depois da ponte, segue em direção a Avô. Aqui
seguimos pelo que resta da antiga via imperial romana. Depois
passamos pela Capela de Santa Maria do Mosteiro e pela Capela
de Nossa Senhora dos Anjos e chegamos a Avô
Seguimos ao lado da Ermida de S. Miguel e do Castelo e
continuamos até junto do Pelourinho e da antiga Casa da Câmara.
Atravessamos a ponte e estamos novamente na Ilha do Picoto.
PR 5 - OHP
Caminho de Xisto de Oliveira do Hospital
Percurso circular com início e final no Jardim Dr. Oliveira Mano.
Saímos da cidade rumo à Bobadela, local rico em património
Romano, onde vemos o Anfiteatro e o forúm Romano e o Museu
Municipal Dr. António Simões Saraiva. Passamos na Capela de
Santa Ana, na Anta do Pinheiro dos Abraços, nas Sepulturas
Antropomórficas do Gorgulão e na Capela da Senhora da Luz.
Chegamos à Bobadela por ruas de calçada. Aqui seguimos em
direção à capela de S. Sebastião e continuarmos o nosso percurso
para Oliveira do Hospital, com passagem pela Casa Museu da
Fundação Dona Maria Emília Vasconcelos Cabral, a Capela dos
Ferreiros e a Tilia gigante.
Version EN
PR 1 - OHP
Aldeia das Dez I - Schist Walking Trail
The Schist Walking Trail 1 of Aldeia das Dez is a circular trail that starts and
finishes in Alfredo Duarte square in Aldeia das Dez village and it goes in
direction of Vale Maceira. After passing by the house of the “S” it goes down
along the stream on trails surounded by agricultural fields. The trail goes now
to Vale Maceira where is located the Nossa Senhora das Preces santuary and
the botanic garden. Without a question, this is a unique place of rare beauty
that is worthed to look on.
By continuing the route we will find the chapel of Santa Eufemia and the former forest house. At this point, we can do a bypass route for Nossa Senhora das necessidades chappel, this is also a reference site, located at 1230 meters of altitude. Continuing the route turning left and heading towards Chão Sobral, we are stunned with a spectacular view over the Serra da Estrela mountain range and the surrounding region.
In Chao Sobral we laeave the village by narrow streets, passing streams and valleys, sighting old schist houses until we arrive to ancient Medieval bridge and river beach of Alvoco of Vázeas.
In here, we can rest a bit to enjoy the clear waters of the river and all its surroundings. We continue along the banks of the river Alvoco to enter again in a forested area which leads us back to Aldeia das Dez village.
By continuing the route we will find the chapel of Santa Eufemia and the former forest house. At this point, we can do a bypass route for Nossa Senhora das necessidades chappel, this is also a reference site, located at 1230 meters of altitude. Continuing the route turning left and heading towards Chão Sobral, we are stunned with a spectacular view over the Serra da Estrela mountain range and the surrounding region.
In Chao Sobral we laeave the village by narrow streets, passing streams and valleys, sighting old schist houses until we arrive to ancient Medieval bridge and river beach of Alvoco of Vázeas.
In here, we can rest a bit to enjoy the clear waters of the river and all its surroundings. We continue along the banks of the river Alvoco to enter again in a forested area which leads us back to Aldeia das Dez village.
PR 2 - OHP
Aldeia das Dez II - Schist Walking Trail
Route starting at the square Alfredo Duarte, in the Aldeia das Dez village.
Follow the main road until we find signs that tells us to turn left. At this
point the path splits. We pass by the old Roman road and also fields of crops
that take us to travel back in time. At the crossroads we head to the left,
sighting the Santa Maria monastery. Following on the banks of the Rio Alva,
we pass beside the Chapel of Our Lady of the Angels and reach the center of
Avô. At the intersection go straight ahead by the stairs that lead to the
Chapel of S. Michael and to the Castle. Continue through the Pelourinho
square, turn right and onto the main road. When crossing the bridge, we see
on the right the Island’s Picoto river beach. We turn left onto a cobblestone
street that connects to the ancient Roman road and where stands the chapel
of S. Pedro on the right. The route follows to the left and descends towards
Avô village. We turn right after a stone wall of a house and go down a trail
that offers spectacular views over the village of Avô. Passing by the bridge
over the Pomares stream, turn right and the route reaches an intersection.
Turn right a go through a narrow cobblestone street that goes up to the
Aldeias das Dez village. Pass by a small trail that will take to a dirt road. We
continue through Tapadas area, recently populated with luxury houses, and
follow an old trail that once connected the villages Aldeia das Dez and Avô.
PR 3 - OHP
Aldeia das Dez III - Schist Walking Trail
Route starting at the square Alfredo Duarte, in the Aldeia das Dez village.
The exit of the village is common to the PR2. We pass by the old Roman road
and also fields of crops that take us to travel back in time. At the crossroads
head to the right towards Ponte das Três Entradas, passing in areas where the
spectacular chestnut tree, which is abundant in the region, predominates.
We reached the tarmac road and turn left toward Ponte das Três Entradas.
Pass over the bridge that is unique in Portugal, where its three entrances
connect the three closest parishes: Santa Ovaia, São Sebastião da Feira and
Aldeia das Dez, and still unites two rivers: the river Alva and the river
Alvôco. Soon after the bridge turn right towards São Sebastião da Feira
through a spectacular trail that follows the riverbank of river Alva. And we
reach an area where we can admire the Rio Alva and the wheel at the site.
Return through the same path towards Ponte das Três das Entradas. We
again cross the bridge and follow the paved road towards the Aldeia das Dez
village and then turn right following an old trail. The chestnut tree is very
abundant and enriches the terrains providing a stunning landscape. At the
crossroads continue stright ahead and enter the cobblestone road that leads
to the Aldeias das Dez village.
PR 4 - OHP
Avô Schist Walking Trail
The Schist walking trail of Avô is a circular trail that starts and ends at Ilha
do Picoto river beach. After passing over the bridge of the Alva river we take
the stairs that lead us to the main road and parish church of Avô. The trail
follows the road, and by the Day Center we enter on a dirt road that leads us
to a single track along the Alva river. This single track was in the past the
connection between Avô and Ponte das Três Entradas villages. After the
single track we turn right in the paved road and pass the bridge. This bridge
is one of a kind in Portugal, it´s over the junction of the rivers Alva and
Alvôco and it connects the parishes of Santa Ovaia, São Sebastião da Feira
and Aldeia das Dez. The trail continues on the paved road and it turns right
on a dirt road towards Avô. Before Avô the trail passes by Mosteiro and
Nossa Senhora dos Anjos chapels. At the crossroads keep straight towards S.
Miguel chapel and castle passing by the stone pillory. After the bridge the
trail goes right to Ilha do Picoto river beach where it ends.
PR 5 - OHP
Oliveira do Hospital Schist Walking Trail
This circular trail starts in Jardim Dr. Oliveira Mano (public garden), we cross
the garden, climb a few steps and face the Santa Ana chapel. Turning left and
then right we are at the main paved road. After the paved roads we leave
towards the agricultural fields and go in direction of the Anta do Pinheiro
(dolmen). A little further on we turn right onto a dirt road that will take us
to the anthropomorphic graves of Gorgulão. We follow the trail and get to
Senhora da Luz, where we can see the existence chapel that has the same
name. Along cobble stone streets we arrive to Bobadela, a rich Roman
heritage site, with the Roman amphitheater and it’s ruins and where we can
notoriously see the arch several objects of the time. The trail leaves Bobadela
and goes towards São Sebastião chapel. From here the trail goes on a dirt
road till we find a paved road. At the roundabout the trail goes straight to the
center of Oliveira do Hospital where the House Museum of the Foundation
of Dona Maria Vasconcelos Cabral, the Ferreiros chapel and the classified
linden tree can be found. This are some of the best points of interest on the